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I want to reach 9th grade, a project for youth education

‘I want to reach 9th grade’ is a project meant for children in rural areas who leave school too early. World Vision Romania had the initiative to create this project to encourage the harmonious social development of young people.

Thus, over 120 children are being supported by KFC and Pizza Hut annually, through a system of monthly scholarships which allow them to continue studying in high school.

‘I want to reach 9th grade’ is a project meant for children in rural areas who leave school too early, developed by World Vision Romania and supported by KFC and Pizza Hut starting with 2008.

The programme has at its core a set of selection criteria and the scholarships cover necessary school expenses and give them access to a better life. Also, the programme provides them with educational and social activities they may not have otherwise been able to access: summer camps, individual counselling, support with adapting to the new school environment and career guidance.

From 2008 until now, KFC and Pizza Hut have supported over 1,600 students and donated over 1 million eur.

For more details regarding the support actions for children and students please access the website.