We rely on sustainable development, creating a positive impact in the communities where we operate, being aware of the need to ensure balance between business development, society's needs and the environment.
The communities in which we operate have welcomed us with open arms and we consider it our duty to support them through social responsibility programs.
Sphera is rated ” ESG Rating”, with a score of 18.7, by Morningstar Sustainalytics, a leading independent ESG research, ratings and data firm. The obtained rating indicates the company’s disclosure is strong, signaling a high degree of accountability to investors and the public.
Morningstar Sustainalytics ratings are independent and measure a company’s exposure to industry-specific material ESG risks and how well a company is managing those risks. Ratings are categorized into five levels of risk: negligible (0-10), low (10-20), medium (20-30), high (30-40) and severe (40+).
ESG standards look at the sustainability of an organization from a three fold perspective: Environment – the extent to which the company manages its impact on the environment; Social – analyzes the company’s relationship with various stakeholders, including employees; Corporate Governance – compliance with corporate governance rules.